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Gong Data Cloud expands to help customers access insights across their tech stack

Conversation Intelligence Product News Sales AI

Customers are increasingly using data warehouses to unify and process the data from all their business systems. However, these data warehouses can typically only pull static data – like CRM data – making it nearly impossible to assess market conditions and team performance. 

In fact, only 54% of GTM leaders feel that they have clear, real-time visibility into the progress of deals, and just 48% have real-time insight into the performance of individual sales reps, according to Harvard Business Review.

You need access to consistent, accurate, and up-to-date data across your entire tech stack if you want to better understand the health of your business.  

That’s why we created Gong Data Cloud, which equips you with insights from Gong right in your business intelligence (BI) platform, so you can make more informed decisions. We launched our data sharing capabilities last year with Snowflake, and now we’re excited to announce additional connectors with Databricks and Google BigQuery. With more integrations available, you can seamlessly access insights rooted in customer interactions across your tech stack.

What’s new with Gong Data Cloud

With this latest expansion, the impact of Gong Data Cloud extends beyond Snowflake to support Databricks and Google BigQuery.

With Gong Data Cloud, you can bring Gong data into your data warehouse of choice without any complicated data infrastructure work. With more readily available data, you can identify leading indicators and gain a deeper understanding of your market, team, and pipeline all within the context of your existing solutions.

Get answers to your burning questions

With data derived directly from customer interactions flowing into your data warehouses, you gain deeper insights into your GTM strategy, revenue health, and team productivity. Gong Data Cloud helps you answer questions across the following areas: 

Gain strategic go-to-market insights

  • Which variables lead to more closed won deals?
  • What are my top performers doing differently?
  • Is the field adopting new initiatives? How are they resonating with customers?
  • Are the right products and capabilities offered to the right customers?

Assess your pipeline health 

  • What are the biggest risks hiding in my pipeline? Which accounts are at risk of churn?
  • Which competitors should I be worried about?
  • Are sellers forming relationships with the right people at the right frequency?

Identify your sellers’ strengths and weaknesses 

  • How are my reps spending their time?
  • Which deals are my reps spending their time on?
  • How often are my managers coaching?

With Gong Data Cloud, you can get the answers you need and access deeper insights across all go-to-market functions to drive more revenue for your business. 

Faster insights, zero data silos

With Gong Data Cloud, you can finally stop wondering what’s working and what isn’t, and know with certainty what action you should take next.

Gong’s Revenue Intelligence platform captures customer conversations and turns them into actionable insights. And now, you can access that treasure trove of data in Snowflake, Big Query, and Databricks for even more informed decision-making. With Gong data available throughout your tech stack, you can bring new levels of productivity into your teams’ workflows that drive efficiency and measurable growth across your GTM operations.

Interested in fueling your stack with more accurate and complete data? Get a demo. 

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