3 Highly Effective Cold Calling Scripts
- Data-backed talk tracksThese 3 cold-calling scripts use insights based on hundreds of thousands of calls.
- Prepare for every scenarioThis 3-in-1 script includes cold call, voicemail, and follow-up email scripts to get the meeting.
- Big call blitz energyPrint the script. Put it on your desk in front of you. Hit the phones. And go book ‘em.
- Step in preparedThe data is on your side: Boost your confidence and up your cold call game with these scripts.
- Use these persuasive techniquesLearn how top reps get more meetings from less dials using these techniques.
- Book ‘emUse these closing questions to step away from your cold calls with a calendar full of qualified meetings.
- Script #1Cold Calling Script: Use this data-backed script to run cold calls that break through the noise and move prospects to yes.
- Script #2Voicemail Script: Prospect didn’t pick up? Drop this message after the tone to get the conversation started.
- Template #3Follow-Up Email: Use this template email within 15 minutes of your voicemail to build momentum and land the meeting.
SDRs. SDR Managers. AEs. And sales teams looking to scale their outbound strategy and build more pipeline.
You’ll receive 3 scripts: one for cold calls, one script for voicemails, and one template for cold call follow-up.
You’ll get a proven talk track, the data to back these cold calling tips, and instructions on how to adapt these scripts for your team.

Use these 3 cold calling scripts to book more meetings (and more $$).