The Sales Battle Card Template For Ultra-Competitive Deals
I wouldn’t want to be your competitors right now. Because this sales battle card template has everything you need to move buyers from “How are you different?” to “Where do I sign?” Avoid the feature comparison death trap and put competitive deals on a fast track to closed-won with this fill-in-the-blanks template.
- Create the perfect talk trackUse this fill-in-the-blank template to build talking points that actually win deals.
- Bring the right proofLearn how to back up your claims with evidence that makes buyers say “yes.”
- Go on the offenseThis technique will change how you answer the “how are you different” question.
- Build the perfect pitchUse these elements to craft a dedicated talk track for each of your competitors.
- Avoid the feature comparison trapLearn how the best-of-the-best sales pros dodge the #1 trap in every competitive deal.
- Plant landmine questionsTop reps strategically “plant” these questions to sabotage the competition AND build trust with buyers.
- Talk tracks / turns of phraseLearn how to give short, punchy answers to any topic that comes up in conversation.
- Your differentiatorsMake devastating comparisons between the features and benefits you got and the ones your competitor’s don’t.
- EvidenceIt’s easy to make claims—battle-ready reps know how to back them up with collateral. Learn how to create dedicated assets to support each claim.
- Their differentiatorsSure, the competition has its own distinctions. Learn a strategy for reframing those features and benefits to lead the prospect back to your solution.
- Stories
Come ready with stories of how similar companies, with similar issues, won by choosing you (instead of the competition). - Landmine questionsSecret weapon! Ask these unexpected questions to build trust in your solution while putting the competition in a really tough spot.
- Copy this template to create your own iron-clad battle cards.
- Use this fill-in-the-blanks template to give answers that help prospects get it, love it, buy it.
- Master the power of landmine questions to sabotage your rival.
A: Hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to overcome stiff competition to win that prized deal. A sales battle card is a quick reference—a super valuable cheat sheet, if you will—that sales teams use to “take down” the competition. Typically, a battle card will include exactly what reps need to say to turn a competitor’s strengths into vulnerabilities—and to get the prospect leaning toward your solution.
A: This battle card is meant for your most competitive deals. Create a version of this template for each of your top competitors—bonus points if you tailor them for specific deals. The template includes examples that you can start using right away—all you have to do is Just fill in the blanks to create iron-clad sales battle cards.
A: The sales battle card template is for ALL sales pros, but specifically sales enablement teams, sales managers, and anyone who wants to help their team step into competitive deals with an ace up their sleeve. Be warned: sellers who use this template have been known to experience extreme spikes in confidence and win rate.
A: It’s the opposite of the standard (and predictably ineffective) “feature comparison chart.” This sales battle card template will help you create a talk track that actually helps your sales reps close competitive deals by matching your buyers’ questions AND formulating answers that move the conversation away from feature comparisons to “here’s why it’s different and why it matters to you” territory.
A: Of course we can. With sales battle cards, it’s important to remember that their purpose is for quick reference. You’re not writing the next great American novel, here—you’re equipping reps with digestible, easy-to-remember responses, takedowns, and talk strategy. To see some examples and get the juices flowing, head over to Sales Battle Card example: Boost your competitive win rates, which includes a few best practices like:
- Leave out feature charts
- Avoid the feature comparison trap
- Don’t just give an elevator pitch
- Tailor your social proof
- Work in some “boomerang” stories
Still need some more help overcoming your competition? No worries. Check out The High-Growth Sales Strategy Template for more wicked sales magic.
A: Sometimes, you can get a prospect to undermine your competition, no matter how much they love them, just by arming them with some tough questions. Let’s say a competitor has a feature that your product doesn’t—and that the prospect is really hung up on. Bummer! But you also happen to know that the competitor’s feature lacks a core integration that your prospect absolutely needs. Bingo! A potential landmine question might go like this:
“Sure, they’ve got that feature and we don’t. Pretty sure it doesn’t integrate with that tool use. Why don’t you ask them about integrations the next time you chat? I’m curious what they have to say.”

Sharpen your sales battle cards with this powerful template: