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How ADP boosted its enterprise win rate and increased ACLV with Gong

The challenge

ADP continuously modernizes their sales processes to empower their sellers. They needed a partner to help streamline their sales workflows, give sales leaders the visibility they crave, and boost win rates.

The outcome

ADP used Gong’s data and AI-backed insights to lift enterprise deal win rates. With Gong as a strategic partner in their foundational modern seller initiative, ADP also shifted their sales culture and achieved an enviable improvement in annual client value (ACLV).


Roseland, New Jersey



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Payroll & HR Solutions

ADP reps and sales leaders who use Gong in enterprise deals have a higher win rate than those who don’t look at their calls in Gong.
Matt McBreen
VP of Sales Enablement

If you think small efficiency gains add up across more than 1.1M customers in +140 countries, try a whopping jump in ACLV and a big boost in enterprise win rates. Those winning improvements are what Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Inc. sales teams achieved when they consolidated their processes using Gong’s Revenue Intelligence Platform. 

ADP® is a leading global technology company providing human capital management (HCM) solutions. Despite decades of success and market leadership, ADP’s sales enablement team saw room to streamline sales workflows and win more deals. “The buyer journey was changing, and we knew we had to evolve our sales processes,” said Christine Talcott, Sr. Division Vice President Enablement & Global Events.

ADP focuses on continuous innovation across the organization, including its sales operations. With Gong, ADP elevated the way it enables its sales teams to drive efficiency, use conversation-based insights, and personalize their outreach. All three are necessary to win in today’s market.

The sales team adopted Gong, and wow, did it work. A data-driven, AI-powered approach elevated ADP’s sales workflows and enhanced its customer engagement. 

Here’s how they use Gong to run their revenue teams today…

Driving sales productivity boosts enterprise win rate

ADP’s sales team now uses Gong to capture and understand what’s happening in every customer interaction. Matt McBreen, ADP’s VP of Sales Enablement, confirmed that “ADP reps and sales leaders who use Gong in enterprise deals have a higher win rate than those who don’t look at their calls in Gong.” That’s why Gong is a valuable part of ADP’s “modern seller transformation” strategy, and how the team ramped their enterprise win rate.

Today, ADP’s sales reps use Gong’s prioritized, daily to-do list of next steps to keep them focused on actions that can move deals forward. These to-do lists also show managers exactly where their reps’ attention should be. As Christine said,“Leaders want to coach, but what they really want is to coach the right opportunities — enterprise or otherwise. Our leaders use Gong to control where the attention and focus is during 1:1s.” 

“Gong allows our leaders to coach more effectively. They don’t have to ask reps what happened last week. Instead, they use Gong’s Deals board and AI-generated Call Summaries to immediately be ready for a productive conversation with any rep about any deal.” —Christine Talcott, Sr. Division Vice President Enablement & Global Events

The team also relies on time-savers like AI-generated call briefs to boost workflow efficiency and give users everything they need to know about a call in seconds

That means ADP’s reps spend more of their time selling, and their managers can provide feedback on more deals than they ever dreamed possible. 

The ADP team says that with Gong’s AI-generated Call Briefs, they spend only minutes manually reviewing calls. Is it any wonder ADP’s sales team is having such great success?

Revenue team collaboration delivers a notable increase in ACLV

Gong helps us increase our number of wins and the value each deal brings in,” said Christine. 

Gong’s contextual data gives ADP’s revenue teams a leg up in providing relevant offerings and services. The sales team, for example, is able to share conversational insights with the service and implementation teams, and “That means better continuity for our clients,” said Matt. “It goes a long way in ensuring a smooth ramp-up for the client and tailoring our service offerings.”

There are additional benefits to having everyone collaborate in Gong’s unified platform, all of which elevate the customer journey and help ADP improve their ACLV:

  • The sales team use Smart Trackers to surface new issues of concern to clients (e.g., compliance), and the revenue teams keep these issues top of mind throughout the customer journey.
  • Customer summaries and data sharing in Gong mean the handoffs between sellers and other revenue teams are seamless. 
  • Leaders in nine business units now use the “Deals” board to catch risks in split deals that weren’t previously visible.

That’s how the sales team boosted their ACLV: by catering to their clients’ needs, and having sales leaders use Gong to participate in high-potential accounts.

As Matt points out, “Gong data gives our sales leaders a holistic understanding of how to best engage with buyers. I think one of the superpowers you get when you use Gong is the ability to see your pipeline at the very highest level and all the way down to frontline actions.” Gong helps ADP’s sales leaders make data-backed decisions based on what’s happening in individual deals and in the market. 

ADP locks in its modern seller strategy 

Adopting Gong signified a shift in ADP’s sales culture and strengthened their sales team’s data-driven approach. ADP has turned innovation into tangible results and made sweeping, positive changes across their revenue organization. Gong’s unified platform has helped ADP implement their modern seller strategy.

As Christine said, “Since we’ve leveraged Gong, we‘re so much more efficient across a wide spectrum of departments. Working with Gong gives me the confidence that I’m working with an industry leader that’s thinking about what comes next.”


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