Understanding Your Sales Content Performance

Ingredients: Engage Analytics, Templates, Flows 

What is it?

You invest time and money into defining your messaging, but how can you know if it is really working on the front lines? How can you know when it is time to make a change? Engage Analytics gives leaders an unobstructed view of their sales content’s utilization and performance.  

Who is it for?

With Gong Engage, RevOps and Enablement professionals can now understand how well their nurturing efforts are leading to engagement with prospects.


How does Gong Engage help out?

Today’s market is no longer responding well to the noisy email spray-and-pray tactics of yesterday. However, until Gong Engage, tools were really only equipped to support incredibly low-touch/low-personalization bulk email sending. Engage brings sellers like yours into the modern era and enables them to better nurture prospects at scale without sacrificing email quality and relevance.

In your role, you might find yourself curating the messaging and sales content that is available for your reps to use or leveraging Engage analytics to make more strategic recommendations for how to best iterate on your sales nurturing approach. Engage provides the support you need to deliver high-performing content to your teams.

Key features include:

  • Utilization metrics of your email templates and flows
  • Rep-specific performance metrics for Opens, Clicks, Replies, and Reply Rates
  • AI-generated email outcomes broken down by rep 
  • Flow statuses (added, in progress, finished)
  • Flow performance and flow step metrics like opens, clicks, replies, and meetings booked
  • Flow top performers

How does it work?

1. Determine which flows get the strongest response

When using your Flow Analytics (found under Engage → Analytics → Flows), you’ll see several crowns icons. These represent the flow that is highest performing in each metric. Use this information to determine if your messaging is engaging enough for recipients to open, click, and, most importantly, reply. 

Each flow can also be expanded so you can visualize the performance at each step to see which one resonates most with your audience.

2. Find your top-performing templates

Similar to flows, you can use template analytics to feel more confident in the selection of templates you use in your flows and in rep’s regular email conversations. Your Template’s metrics can be found by clicking Engage → Templates → and click on a template folder.

3. Measure Utilization of Flows and Templates

Knowing what content your team’s are using can empower you to ride the trends of your own team with ease. If you see your team consistently using the same flows, you can invest your efforts in those more heavily used flows or provide guidance on the wider flow strategy you would like for reps to leverage.  

Pro tips

There are several engagement metrics you can click on to reveal more contextual examples you can read through to better assess what exactly is working well.