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10-Point checklist for deal-closing video calls

Sales Strategies

Deals are 127% more likely to close when a video is used during any point in the sales process. But let’s be honest, no one wants to see you in your sweatpants, amiright? Our 10-point checklist will help you zoooom past video fails. And land you in the hall of fame.

Here’s what you’ll learn

  • Mirroring
    No, I’m not talking about what you do while you brush your teeth. I’m talking about using facial and verbal cues to build rapport with your buyer (even remotely).
  • How to get prospects to turn their video on
    Get 3 sure-fire ways to ask buyers to turn on their webcam (without coming across as awkward).
  • Get the perfect set up
    No high-tech needed. Just a little bit of DIY (and some common sense) to level up your video game.

So, what are you still waiting for?

Get our 10-point checklist for deal-making video calls BEFORE you fire up your next call:

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