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The sales one-on-one checklist

Sales Strategies

Turn your one-on-ones into more than “just another meeting”

Harness the power of your one-on-ones and turn your team into a sales powerhouse. Caution: these 7 questions will flip your run-of-the-mill one-on-one meetings into a breeding ground for the next generation of unmatched sales excellence.

Here’s what’s included
  • Coaching superpowers
    Shake off a bad call, strategize, and tee your reps up for success.
  • Pure motivation
    Turn your one-on-ones into the highlight of their week, every week with these 7 questions.
  • Goal tracking
    Watch your team pick up steam and set your reps on an unstoppable winning streak.
How to use the checklist
  • Steal these 7 questions: top practitioners share their secrets for running remote one-on-ones that uplevel your reps.
  • Use them in your next one-on-one: includes questions and active listening tips so you can start making the most of your check-ins with your reps.
  • Sets and reps: rinse, repeat, and build your team’s momentum. Week in. Week out.


Leave your next one-on-one feeling pumped.

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