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Championship Coaching: How to Lead Better 1:1s With Gong

Sales Management

March 16, 10 am PST / 1 pm EST

Every championship team has a great coach—a coach who inspires, instructs, and gets the most out of every player on the court.

And great coaching starts with connection.

To build your championship team, maximize your 1:1 time with reps. Dribble past status updates (“So where does this deal stand?”), and use Gong to jump into the juicy, strategic details.

Stronger conversations. Focused progress. More time for actual coaching.

That’s a slam dunk!

Aaron Weidner – Regional Sales Leader @ Gong

Here’s what you’ll learn

Huddle up. In this one-hour session, Gong experts and some of our outstanding customers will show you how Gong Deal Boards can be a win for your whole team:

  • Better meeting prep
    Stay informed on every deal’s progression without the dreaded “status update”.
  • Smarter deal strategies
    Use data-backed insights to identify risks and strategize a path to close.
  • More alignment
    Create sales processes that strengthen alignment on your team and with senior leadership

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