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To support the delivery of Services, Gong (or one of its Affiliates) may engage third-party services providers, referred to as Sub-processors. This page provides the name, purpose and location for each Sub-processor. Please refer to our Privacy Policy or Data Processing Addendum for more information.

Entity NamePurposeLocation Ltd.Providing the Gong serviceIsrael
Amazon Web Services, Inc.Cloud services, language transcription, application AI functionality
MongoDB, Inc.Data storage and queryingUSA
Mailgun Technologies, Inc.Transactional emailUSA
UiPath SRLIntegrating data with HubSpot on behalf of joint customers with HubSpotUSA
Twilio, Inc.VOIP and text message notificationsUSA
Filestack, Inc.File upload/view servicesUSA
Gongio Ireland LimitedA wholly-owned Gong subsidiaryIreland
Google Cloud EMEA LimitedLanguage transcriptionUSA
Appen (Europe) LimitedLanguage transcriptionUK/EU
Snowflake Inc.Data storage and queryingUSA, EMEA
Microsoft Ireland Operations LimitedAzure cloud services and application AI functionality USA, EMEA


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