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How SpotOn increased win rates by 16% through productivity gains

Coaching Engage Enterprise North America Software
Increase in revenue per rep
Forecast accuracy
Increase in win rates

The challenge

SpotOn launched a new inside sales team to expand the company’s pipeline growth. The team’s leadership immediately identified a need for insights they could use to convert more opportunities and improve workflows.

The outcome

SpotOn’s sales team hit their revenue targets — and is now passing them — after using Gong to enhance their sales engagement workflows and pipeline management. They saw a 16% increase in win rates and a 30% increase in revenue per rep, hitting 95% forecast accuracy with Gong.


San Francisco, CA



company size



Software Development

Gong’s AI allows our sellers to work a lot smarter, not just harder.
Matt McGonegle
Director of Inside Sales

That’s SpotOn, we’d say. 

More than an apt turn of phrase, SpotOn is also a point-of-sale technology and software provider for SMBs across the United States, with a particular focus on restaurants. 

They recently adjusted their annual revenue goals upward — an enviable move that came after adopting the Gong Revenue Intelligence Platform to enhance their inside sales team’s engagement workflows and pipeline management. 

Just three months after adopting Gong, they’ve seen a 16% increase in win rates, a 30% increase in revenue per rep, and 95% accuracy in their sales forecasts. 

Matt McGonegle is the Director of Inside Sales at SpotOn — a team that’s entirely new to the company, designed to grow their pipeline. (Previously, their sales reps were only in the field.) 

From the start, the team has found Gong to be a trusted partner in decision-making. “Gong makes it possible to quickly prove a theory about any of our new workflows,” says Matt. That’s earned them better results than anyone anticipated.

Team productivity skyrockets, thanks to AI

Matt has seen productivity wins on his team right out of the gate, with a 60% reduction in the time it takes to onboard new hires. They get up to speed faster, and are more productive in less time. This is even happening alongside improvements in his reps’ sales engagement activities. 

As Matt puts it, “Everyone knows that following up with a personalized email is the right thing to do, but it eats up a tremendous amount of time.” It’s not feasible at scale, unless you use Gong’s AI.

Today, Gong generates a call brief — as part of a larger call summary — for every call. Gong’s gen AI uses information from that brief whenever a rep clicks on Gong’s gen AI to automatically craft a personalized follow-up email. Matt’s reps save hours of time every week using these features. This process also keeps them in control of their deal cycles, as quick personalization improves the frequency and quality of their follow ups. 

What’s more: Instead of using a certain number of dials per day as their productivity measure, SpotOn’s entire sales team — from reps to sales leaders — now focuses on call outcomes. That’s because they have easy access to key metrics, such as how objections were handled, relevant next steps, and more.

They also use Smart Trackers to measure the quality of conversations, watching to see if reps use the right messaging in a conversation. If they don’t, they know it’s time for some coaching.

Gong’s AI is mind blowing. In just three short months, I feel like I know more about what’s going on in my team’s sales cycle than I did in the previous nine months of working with them. Their productivity is incredible.” —Matt McGonegle, Director of Inside Sales, SpotOn

Customized messaging leads to 30% pipeline growth

SpotOn’s sales reps are already creating 30% more opportunities at the top of the funnel and converting 20% more of those. This is the result of focusing on workflow improvements that are made possible by Gong’s unified platform. For example, Matt’s team optimizes their flows by segment, knowing that slight changes to messaging have a powerful impact. The more the prospect identifies with the wording used in calls, the better.

Being able to nail those key messages at the right time and map that process in a repeatable way has led to giant growth in our pipeline.” —Matt McGonegle, Director of Inside Sales, SpotOn

They’re also using Gong Engage’s generative AI to draft follow-up emails that mirror the language prospects use on calls, so the emails resonate more deeply with the prospect. And as Matt points out, generative AI is also great for overcoming writer’s block when every moment matters.

Prospecting with Gong Engage has also helped the team create relevant messaging that contains a sense of urgency, which, as Matt puts it, “keeps us in the fight more often.” SpotOn is in a competitive space that is constantly evolving, so having a finger on the market’s pulse means the team can create timely messaging. They’re able to heighten the stakes for prospects around the urgent need for a solution, which keeps SpotOn at the forefront of prospects’ minds. 

Pipeline prioritization enables 95% forecast accuracy

Gong helps us be ruthless in our pipeline prioritization. After all, we need an accurate forecast. Otherwise, what’s the point of having one?” —Matt McGonegle, Director of Inside Sales, SpotOn

Using Gong for forecasting has already paid massive dividends; the team is 95% accurate to their forecast every month. That’s a 20% lift in accuracy since they started using Gong’s Revenue Intelligence Platform, and only helps prove the reliability and value of the new inside sales team.

This improvement comes from having a more realistic understanding of every deal in the pipeline. If Gong highlights issues in one deal that might throw the forecast, Matt’s reps can use interaction data and the Deal Spotlight feature to find out what’s putting that deal at risk and address it, or remove it from the forecast. This removes reps’ gut feelings from forecasts and replaces them with the voice of the customer. With a realistic view of the pipeline, it’s easy to bring deals back on track, or know when to cut bait and when to go into prospecting mode to hit the target.

Creating a valuable revenue engine

With no playbooks, workflows, or proven processes for his new inside sales reps, Matt believed that the right solution would build the foundation they needed. It’s a bet that certainly paid off.

SpotOn has successfully used Gong to take their revenue growth to higher heights than they ever anticipated. 

Having one platform for every aspect of our sellers’ jobs creates insane efficiency for us. Our revenue growth has been astounding.” —Matt McGonegle, Director of Inside Sales, SpotOn


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