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Ask Anything is even better. Here’s how to get the full context into a customer’s journey.


Hey Siri, Hey Google — tapping into instant knowledge is second nature now. 

In sales, where knowledge equals higher win rates, Gong’s Ask Anything – a domain-specific querying tool – delivers true revenue intelligence, now in a fraction of the time.  

It’s the first and only revenue-specific query tool that delivers answers and insights across all stages of the customer journey: prospecting, engaging, retaining, and growing. Since its launch last year, customers have harnessed the power of Ask Anything to increase win rates by 26%

When you use the gen AI-powered Ask Anything, you have a better understanding of where deals stand and how to close them successfully. That’s why we want to extend that access across the customer lifecycle with the latest Ask Anything capabilities.

What’s new? Meet the full-cycle Ask Anything. 

More than half (56%) of US employees now use gen AI in their work for the productivity they gain from it. Revenue teams, in particular, were ripe for efficiency gains. Burdened by a mountain of customer calls – let alone the sheer volume of tasks – teams spend a small percentage of their time actually selling.

Those problems were only compounded by limited insights. Before AI-powered revenue technology, like Gong, not only was it tedious to extract insights from customer interactions, it was also hard to analyze and understand the complete context of a customer’s lifecycle. Ask Anything – and its latest enhancements – changes that. You’re better at finding efficiencies and making smart, strategic decisions as a team when you always have real, contextual, and relevant information to guide you. 

From AEs to CROs, Ask Anything helps each person on your revenue team instantly surface critical details and learn the best next steps from customer interactions. When you ask open-ended questions related to a call’s contents, the proprietary AI tells you exactly what you need to know. Since the AI was trained on more than three billion customer interactions, it delivers exceptionally accurate, specific answers and areas to focus on. And its latest capabilities extend these insights across the entire customer lifecycle, closing any loops that may have hampered meaningful customer communication.

We built the first version of Ask Anything to let you query and extract insights from individual calls. Now, we’ve extended the value across deals, accounts, and contacts. To help you uncover opportunities to upsell and deliver better service, you can Ask Anything on accounts. To speed up time to close and increase win rates, you can use Ask Anything on deals. And, Ask Anything for contacts will give you insights about specific stakeholders so you can give them the right message, at the right time.

By applying Ask Anything in these new areas, it’ll be much easier to accurately understand your pipeline, and you won’t have to rely on inaccurate off-the-shelf models to do it.  

Deals and Accounts: Instant insights across an account’s lifespan 

If you’re using Gong, you may rely on deal likelihood scores for an at-a-glance status of every deal, every day. The score tells you how likely a particular deal is to close in this quarter compared to others in your pipeline. It helps you spot risks early on and focus attention on the right deals. 

But here’s the thing, when you see a poor deal likelihood score, it’s tough to know what to do about it. Now, the solution is simple: just ask. Example: Inquiring, “What specific concerns are top-of-mind for the decision-makers?” will deliver insights based on past interactions around the deal to help the team move you closer to closed-won. 

Ask Anything for deals and accounts analyzes all forms of communication across the opportunity’s entire lifespan, the answers aren’t based on one interaction. Like a teacher emphasizing that you show your work, it backs up its analysis by providing evidence from interactions with each answer. This means you can have complete confidence in your actions because you understand their origins. You can easily switch between deal inquiries to account-related questions to get a more holistic assessment of your pipeline and open up more growth opportunities as a result.

Ask Anything for deals and accounts is available now.

Contacts: Drive better outcomes from your relationships

Your success depends on strong relationships. You hone the art of inquiry, active listening, problem solving, and trust-building. Sometimes these come easily and sometimes not. Ask Anything in Contacts will sharpen your understanding of your audience so you can perfectly personalize, better engage, and find revenue success. 

By asking questions with Ask Anything in Contacts, you’ll gain important context that’s based on all the historical touch points with the contact – regardless of when you come into the picture. You’ll be able to more quickly understand the nuance around a customer’s needs and objectives, or pick up where others have left off. The best part? When you save time by automating research to gain a better understanding of your prospects, you can tailor your communications to better resonate with them. Because the AI helps deliver personalized communications, you can reach a larger number of contacts. Your conversion rates will go up because of the high-quality outreach and because you can devote more time to each one. This feature doesn’t just save you time, it can transform the way you connect so you achieve the greatest impact. 

Ask Anything for contacts will be available in the coming month.

Anything you need for end-to-end revenue success, in one place

Whether you’re seeking guidance on sealing a deal or understanding a buyer’s hesitation, Ask Anything — and its latest expansions — delivers precise, context-rich advice. Gone are the days of bolting incompatible AI solutions onto your tech stack, only to find they fail to deliver meaningful insights across the customer journey. Ask Anything goes beyond analyzing individual conversations, by providing insights into your active opportunities, current accounts, and the contacts involved so you can make better informed decisions that drive revenue growth.  

Ask Anything is an industry-first solution that presents an important new frontier for the AI-powered revenue landscape. Unlike existing query solutions, it’s tailored specifically for B2B sales interactions. It understands the sales process and fundamental concepts, like goals and objections, because it’s trained on specific customer interactions. CROs and RevOps leaders can use Ask Anything to get up-to-speed on teams’ activities so they can provide counsel, while frontline managers can use it to coach and steer teams more effectively. And reps can double personal productivity by using Ask Anything to generate concise summaries, easy follow ups, or seamless handoffs to other teams. 

Every time you use Ask Anything, you get instant insights that empower your team to connect with prospects and customers in relevant, meaningful ways. You can improve decision-making processes and drive action across your pipeline – all you have to do is start asking questions. 

The latest enhancements are available now — don’t wait, dive into the new capabilities today with a product walkthrough or attending our upcoming webinar.

Table of Contents

see gong’s ask anything in action

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