Tracking and Comparing
Relevant KPIs for Your Team(s)

Ingredients: Trackers, Team Stats, Initiatives, Scorecards

What is it?

Setting and keeping track of key performance indicators is critical for understanding where your team stands and/or comparing between teams. With Gong, you can easily browse various metrics related to your initiatives and pinpoint the ones you’d like to use as your KPIs. You’ll be able to benchmark where you are today and set goals for where you would like to be. 

Who is it for?

It’s best for leaders to work with their initiative’s program managers and stakeholders at the start of an initiative’s implementation to establish what KPIs will be used to measure its success. This is also a good opportunity to set expectations about how often leadership should be filled in about the progress of the initiative. 

How does Gong help out?

With Gong, leaders can see different metrics and decide which to use as KPIs. They can also see progress over time to spot trends and early warning signs in real time. Some of Gong’s ready-to-use features that support this include: 

  • Trackers that can quantify how often certain conversations are happening in calls or deals by specific teams and individuals. This type of tracking can leverage AI to identify the relevant conversations or use more static rules for phrase tracking when you need to report on scripts or specific language. 
  • A historical timeline of adoption for your initiative’s language.
  • Scorecards that can help you gather both quantitative call-scoring data and qualitative information about the quality of your initiative’s delivery on the front lines. 
  • (For initiatives that focus on coaching culture) A variety of metrics that demonstrate how often leaders receive requests for feedback, provide coaching, and engage with their reps. 

How does it work?

1. Customize Trackers to monitor specific talk tracks you are looking for teams to use

  • Work with your initiative’s program manager to build trackers that capture exactly when reps are using your initiative’s talk tracks on calls and deals. This gives you a way to quantify the adoption and performance of those talk tracks and use that information as a KPI.

2.  Browse conversation metrics on a dedicated Insights page

How patient are your reps? How often are they asking questions? How quickly are they responding to prospects and customers? All of these questions and more can be answered in the Gong Insights section. Use this information to set benchmarks for where you are now and use the recommendations box at the right to set appropriate goals (see figure below).

3. Review benchmark Tracker stats

  • On the same Insights page, under the Trackers tab, you’ll see a breakdown by team and user of how often they are using each talk track. Take note of where you are now and set goals for where you would like to see that adoption go. Note: Call categories can be used to filter out calls that shouldn’t include your initiative’s talk track. 

4.  Monitor progress with an Initiative Board

Under Insights, trackers can be used in an Initiative Board to plot the weekly or monthly occurrences of your initiative’s talk tracks. Use this space to determine if you are trending upward or downward.

5.  Build Scorecards to be filled out by managers on calls

To manage the quality of your initiative’s talk track delivery, set KPIs that relate to the score of initiative-relevant calls. Scorecards can be built (in Coaching → Manage Scorecards) to capture both quantitative and qualitative data from managers about their reps’ calls. As your reps request feedback and managers provide both scores and feedback, you’ll be able to see that data aggregated into an Insights page dedicated to your scorecard data.

6.  Use Deal Win/Loss to see if your initiative language is influencing won deals

This view of the deals tab will allow you to see win rates broken down by tracker mentions vs. lack of mentions on a call. 

Pro tips

Include a link to your initiative board in any meetings you will be discussing your KPIs.