Reality of Sales Talent Report 2022
Unlock the data behind attracting, motivating, and retaining top sellers
We surveyed 300+ sales professionals and discovered 45% of them have actively pursued a new opportunity in the past 6 months. This means at a moment’s notice, nearly half of your sales force could be ready and willing to walk out the door. Uncover insights and advice for attracting and retaining your best sales talent.
- The hidden culture challenge stunting your growthThere’s a common factor that prevents sellers from staying for the long haul, causing extremely costly attrition rates.
- The five things your sellers value mostLearn the top five factors that motivate sellers to join your organization – and the five that motivate them to jump ship.
- How to reduce attrition at your organizationInside you’ll see data-backed guidance and a framework that will make your hiring and retention programs your new competitive advantage.
- Use gong’s data-backed framework Using a one-size-fits-all approach to motivating your sellers is obsolete. See which dials to turn at which time to motivate your team to perform at their best.
- Invest in your most valuable assetYour people are your biggest competitive advantage. Assess your current programs and resourcing to determine current gaps and where you can double down.
- Align internal stakeholdersUse the data in this report to initiate conversations with cross-functional teams that support your sales talent.

Here’s how.