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Gong’s revenue intelligence fuels a 141% surge in Paycor’s client sales success

Deal Execution Enterprise North America Software
increase in deal wins

The challenge

Paycor’s client sales team found it difficult to manage the thousands of deals in their pipeline each month and forecast them accurately.

The outcome

The client sales team got an incredible 141% increase in deal wins when they started using Gong’s AI-powered platform to manage their pipeline. They were also able to forecast more accurately and improve their sellers’ productivity.


Cincinnati, OH



company size



Software Development

Gong is the most monumental technology to come along since the CRM itself.
Jeff Weaver
VP of Client Sales

That arresting statement came from Jeff Weaver, the Vice President of Client Sales at Paycor, after his team experienced a 141% sales bump — unheard of these days. How did they make it happen? 

Paycor is an enterprise-level, SaaS Human Capital Management (HCM) organization that used Gong’s Revenue Intelligence Platform to improve its pipeline management, forecasting accuracy, and productivity workflows. These AI-powered improvements boosted the number of closed-won deals per seller on their client sales team and improved their revenue forecast for the year ahead. 

Pipeline management brings on a 141% boost in upsell deal wins

Paycor is a high-velocity sales organization. They have 54 reps who upsell into Paycor’s existing client base and close approximately 1,000 deals a month. The team has around 3,000 deals in the pipeline at any given moment. 

As Jeff noted, tracking 3,000+ deals simply isn’t feasible; the number of data inputs is beyond human scale. His sales leaders didn’t always know which deals to focus on, and couldn’t get a clear sense of where their pipeline stood at a given point in time. Plus, everything in the CRM comes from sellers’ gut instincts about which information is important, so CRM information isn’t always accurate or relevant.

That’s why Jeff’s team started using Gong — to identify priority deals and track the entire pipeline’s progress accurately. Gong summarizes massive quantities of data and makes it consumable so his team can focus on winnable deals in a very manageable way. With Gong’s insights, the team stays focused on the right upselling opportunities, pinpointing deals that are stuck and suggesting the best next steps to get them moving again. 

“The platform helps my leaders decide where to focus their attention and where to place their bets. And the payoff has been massive. We’ve seen a 141% increase in the number of upselling deals closed per seller across the team.” Jeff Weaver, VP Client Sales, Paycor

They now operate at full velocity and are managing their pipeline to incredible effect.

Holistic pipeline visibility means more forecast accuracy

CRM data alone isn’t a good foundation for reliable deal predictions, month-over-month, quarter-over-quarter. The information Jeff needs to craft accurate forecasts is scattered across multiple systems, including CRM, email, and call logs. 

Gong aggregates and distills this data, so rather than experiencing information overwhelm, Jeff, his sales leaders, and his reps get an accurate picture of what’s happening across the pipeline and in each deal. Everyone can quickly understand Gong’s digestible insights — including the percentage likelihood that a deal will close — and use that information to make better decisions and keep every deal on track.

Today, Gong’s holistic view of Paycor’s client sales pipeline drives the team’s forecast accuracy. It gives them the data they need to understand which deals are most likely to close, and which need immediate attention. 

“With Gong, we’re able to create a much more accurate forecast, because we’re not relying on what a seller thinks is going to happen — we’re drawing on CRM, call, email, and historical data.” —Jeff Weaver, VP Client Sales, Paycor

AI enables more efficient and productive selling

Now that customer interaction data and insights are available to everyone on the revenue team in Gong, their workflows and cross-team communications operate more efficiently and smoothly. Everyone stays up to date more easily and can serve customers with more productive and engaging offers.

“With Gong, we can share important snippets from customer calls with our product development, implementation, service, and marketing teams. They all benefit from hearing the voice of the customer.” —Jeff Weaver, VP Client Sales, Paycor

His reps also use Gong’s Call Spotlight as part of their pre- and post-call planning, which enables even more efficiencies. With AI-generated call summaries, reps can quickly review deal highlights and hear the voice of the customer, saving hours of time in prep work each week. They enter conversations well-prepared, offering customers more timely and thoughtful interactions.

Gong’s AI has also allowed Jeff’s reps to be more attentive on calls because they don’t have to take notes. Gong does it for them, then summarizes their customer interactions, and even provides AI-backed next best steps to keep reps on task. Reps can easily follow up on every call with a personalized email drafted by Gong’s generative AI. These capabilities have reduced the administrative burden associated with each call reps make, and increased their efficiency. 

“Gong’s AI features, like ‘Ask Anything,’ call summaries, and recommended next steps, makes our sellers and leaders much more productive. It saves everyone a ton of time.” —Jeff Weaver, VP Client Sales, Paycor

Upsell wins are on the rise with Gong

Jeff has never seen a transformation like the one his team experienced after adopting Gong.

As he puts it, “I couldn’t be more sincere when I say that Gong’s AI is truly game changing.” How else can you describe a solution that helps a revenue team go from struggling to oversee their pipeline to one that manages it effectively, forecasts more accurately, and ultimately upsells to win 141% more deals?


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